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- Art-thérapie analytique | Thérapie analytique
Analytical art therapy Over the course of a lifetime, thinking about oneself sometimes becomes unavoidable. To overcome difficulties and open new paths, language, expressed in words or images (symbols) is a strength. Within the confidentiality of the analytical framework, your truth can be expressed freely and without judgment. Relieving the weight of past suffering, taking a break, stepping back, allowing yourself to be in tune with yourself lead to progressive and lasting changes. "Creativity" is not for artistic purposes here. It designates what mobilizes our creative resources to deal with complicated situations. The productions that are carried out in sessions allow you to analyze with you the symbolic aspects that come from the unconscious. Creation is put at the service of your expression, including if it uses speech as a means offormulate images, sensations and feelings . Words, speech are part of the experimental materials in the same way as clay, gouache, inks, writing, cutting / collage... and other mediators found in the therapeutic space._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ This practice relieves quickly but requires regularity . I insist on non-directiveness and the time necessary for the changes to take place gradually and become integrated durably into your daily life. It illuminates your path and opens you to the creation of footbridges, bridges, in these moments of transition when you face a situation of unlinking with yourself. You do not need to know any creative techniques, since you are not coming to "learn" an artistic technique but to resolve tensions/psychic/family or professional conflicts that have become too heavy, and which slow down your sense of existence . Welcome Services Presentation Consulting Counseling for children Home consultations Remote consultations Courses/Groups Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Symbolic Creations Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Yes yes ! no no ! Journey to the Inner Lands Reviews, testimonials Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Nouvelle page Institutional training Values & Commitments Nouvelle page TRAINING IN ESTABLISHMENTS CREATIVITY & ENCLOSURE Bibliography Transportation Video sharing Training environments Testimonials Training DATES & PRICES 2023 supervision Professional support Testimonials Professional support Nouvelle page BiblioBLOG GALERIE-BOUTIQUE Contact Members List of programs Formulas and prices Résultats de recherche Réservation en ligne
- Supervision | Art-thérapie & Relation d'aide
Supervision et Accompagnement personnalisés pour les professionnels de la relation d'aide menant un atelier à médiation thérapeutique ou créative et les art-thérapeutes en formation. En présentiel ou à distance. Supervision for helping relationship professionals, face-to-face or remotely. DIFFERENT OFFERS FOR DIFFERENT NEEDS You are a helping relationship professional in exercise PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT You want to set up a creative or therapeutic mediation workshop While the previous proposal does not concern psychotherapy, it straddles the work necessary to shed light on its gray areas and theoretical and methodological contributions to structure and animate a workshop with creative, artistic or therapeutic mediation. This training does not issue the title of art therapist. There are training organizations that offer programs as well as certification for this. As for me, I offer you an "à la carte" program, which helps you develop your style of practice within a workshop that takes into account where you are, your research, so that you can talk about your project, present it, defend it to your public, prescribers or employers, knowing precisely what falls within your field of action according to the public you are addressing. That is to say that the goal is that this workshop is in adequacy between you, the public and the professional environment. The goal is concrete, to work and to be paid for it. However, you will need reference authors on whom you can rely to build your reflection, in order to guarantee the people received a reliable and respectful framework and to work with serenity and creativity. For my part, the clinic of DW Winnicott, that of D. Anzieu or R. Roussillon, among others, are effective supports. These contributions are made as you progress and during our meetings, I put into perspective both your personal work, your thinking and the framework of the workshops. Thus, you learn by experience and not in the form of indigestible theoretical "pavets". However, an effort is to be made insofar as it is not me who finds for you, but you who are the project manager of your projects, which sometimes requires time for reading, "digestion" , writing and especially research. Searching is a sine qua non positioning in this training process to maintain oneself in a non-fixed space of reflection, where it is not a question of applying, or executing "devices", without having understood what they belong to. and what are its current limitations for offering workshops to others. In this collaborative work, you will not learn, for example, to interpret the drawings or the productions of the participants. You will learn how to implement a reliable and secure environment to facilitate the expression of everyone within a group. How to stimulate your professional creativity to propose without imposing, etc...
- Thérapie analytique | Art-thérapie analytique Dordogne | France
Thérapie analytique verbale & Art-thérapie intégrant la Psychogénéalogie et la Haute Sensibilité, à Périgueux, en Dordogne, France. Consultations, Stage en groupe, Séjour individuel Créatif et thérapeutique, Ateliers d'Ecriture Créative, Supervision & Accompagnement professionnel et formations professionnelles aux ateliers à médiations thérapeutiques & créatives. L'atelier des 2AA est situé dans les ruelles médiévales de Périgueux et regroupe des ATELIERS THÉRAPEUTIQUES et NON THÉRAPEUTIQUES. Cet espace est dédié à LA CRÉATIVITÉ & à LA CRÉATION sous différentes formes pour : Vous accompagner pour LES RETROUVER et traverser les étapes de vie difficiles, par les consultations (de 1h30 à 2h), les stages en art-thérapie analytique (1,2 ou 3 jours) ou les séjours individuels pour se ressourcer (de 3h à 6h/jours sur 1,2,3 jours ou +). LES PARTAGER lors des ateliers d'expression créative & artistique. (ateliers d'écriture créative, collage, écriture peinture, musique. Ils sont proposés seuls ou combinés, de 3h à 6h, de 1 à 5 jours). Et pour terminer le processus créatif, des créations sont exposées dans une mini-boutique et sont prêtes à trouver des acquéreurs. Venez nous rejoindre, nous serons heureux de vous rencontrer en présence ou à distance !! N'hésitez pas à vous abonner à la Lettre d'information, sur Facebook ou Instagram ! Thérapie Consultations individuelles Éclairer son passé, désamorcer les mécanismes de répétition et retrouver sa route. Séjour individuel Ouvert à toute personne qui ressent le besoin de s'accorder du temps pour se ressourcer. Stages en groupe Les thématiques proposées accompagnent un changement personnel ou professionnel porté par la dynamique de groupe. Formation Supervision Ces séances s'adressent aux art-thérapeutes et aux professionnels de la relation d'aide. Elles ouvrent des perspectives nouvelles et aident à dénouer les difficultés rencontrées sur le terrain relationnel et professionnel. Accompagnement professionnel individuel. Plusieurs séjours individuels "à la carte", à visée professionnelle, dont l'objectif est l'ouverture de votre propre atelier à médiation, complémentaire à votre profession principale. Les pré-requis sont les mêmes que pour la formation. Formations Ateliers à médiations créatives & thérapeutiques Destinées uniquement aux professionnels de la relation d'aide ayant + de 2 ans d'expérience, aux étudiants travailleurs sociaux, IDE, animateurs socioculturels...et aux artistes & artisans d'art indépendants. Boutique Art & Créations IMPORTANT Appointment or CONTACT You send me an email or you leave me a message by sms or via the form. I offer you dates, and above all... In your answer, you confirm the day and time of your call, so that I block this slot in my agenda. Intern Due to the confidentiality to which I am bound in the context of my liberal exercise, I cannot accommodate interns. Thank you for your understanding. Beatrice Mora Analytical art therapy Psychogenealogy Accompaniment to high sensitivity. Supervision Professionals in the helping relationship. DE Specialized Educator Creative writing workshop facilitator Artist Addresses: 18 avenue de l'admiral Pradier 24660 COULOUNIEIX-CHAMIERS 49 rue Victor-Hugo 16600 MAGNAC-SUR-TOUVRE Monday only. Face-to-face or teleconsultation Tel: 06 08 76 07 36 E-mail :atabcm@outlook.fr Siret no. 539 364 034 00030 Facebook PagesAnalytical therapy &2AA Workshop instagramAnalytical therapy And2AA Workshop PageLinkedIn