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Consultations in analytical art therapy, Psychogenealogy and Hypersensitivity

Soyez les Bienvenu.e.s !

Le contenu du site est volontairement très écrit et illustré car je travaille avant tout avec des mots et des images. Des images bien concrètes, celles que vous pouvez créer en atelier et des images plus abstraites, qui émergent par l'associativité entre les mots que vous utilisez pour exprimer votre vécu et les sensations, sentiments, impressions que vous ressentez.

Quelque soit leur provenance, ces images sont des métaphores et traduisent votre monde intérieur. En les exprimant à l'aide de différents langages, elles entrent en résonance avec votre réalité, permettent de clarifier votre situation et de trouver des moyens pour effectuer des changements adéquats .

​Si vous ressentez que ce lieu est fait pour vous, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.

Bonne visite et bonne lecture !

Béatrice Mora

Analytical therapy is the base on which art therapy, psychogenealogy and specific support for people with high sensitivity come to rest.

I have been working on psychoanalysis from a personal and professional point of view for more than 25 years now and I am gradually integrating additional contributions to open my listening, my attention and to offer tailor-made support to each person.

​The authors who guide my practice includeDW Winnicott,D.Anzieu,R.RoussillonAndCG Jung.

Consultations are tailored to your needs, availability and budget.

My practice is for people:


  •   in loss of meaning in their lives, faced with repeating events, slowing down and paralyzing their sense of existence;

  • wishing to overcome a period of change and uncertainty;

  • who have experienced trauma or early shocks, (pproblems of breaking and entering, burglary, physical & psychological abuse, etc.);

  • in work-related distress(unemployment, exhaustion, harassment, etc.);

  • suffering from their high sensitivity;


  • in trouble with theirpresent and past family environment (maternity, couple, separation, finding one's place, losses, mourning, etc.);

  • Problem of the bond of attachment;

  • Difficulty related to identity.


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the essential
the authentic

The schedules are adaptable as well as the prices.

However, any cancellation not made 48 hours before the session will be due.

My practice is not a substitute for medical treatment. It can be used alone, alternately with body care therapy or as part of a multidisciplinary care protocol.

Invoices are issued at the request of the person himself, the institutional referent or the requesting parent within the framework of a consultation for a child.

​ A time is planned between consultations, in order to come back to the session fully available for each person.

The sessions last 1h30, 2h or 3h, depending on what we decide by mutual agreement and which takes into account your needs, your budget, your availability and your distance.


It may be that the financial means are not there when it is now you need help. We will talk about it together to define a fair price, which respects the work done and does not hinder your decision.


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© 2012-2022 Béatrice Constantin-Mora « tous droits réservés»
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